Maintain or improve the quality of relations with the various community stakeholders through open and transparent communications.
Definition of ‘community’ in the present context: Local stakeholders affected by the participant’s activities.
Notes :
Monitoring of regulations
2.1 Conduct a literature review of the data available on aquatic ecosystems in the participant’s immediate zone of influence and beyond (considering surrounding sensitive habitats as well as industrial, municipal, and recreational activities).
Note: See phase I of annex 8-A.
2.2 Delineate the participant’s immediate zone of influence and map known aquatic ecosystems on and around this zone.
Note: See phase I of annex 8-A.
2.3 Identify and establish contact with potential collaborators and partners that can contribute to building knowledge of the aquatic ecosystems in the participant’s immediate zone of influence and beyond.
2.4 Establish and maintain contact with the relevant government authority to identify and regularly update a list of potential aquatic invasive species in the participant’s immediate zone of influence and beyond. Report any new observations of an aquatic invasive species in a timely manner.
2.5 Communicate information about the participant’s activities and operations using at least two communication means. For example:
a) Social media (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, TikTok);
b) LinkedIn;
c) TV;
d) YouTube;
e) Radio or podcast;
f) Webpage with community related content;
g) Local newspapers;
h) Newsletter; or
i) Magazine.
2.6 Incorporate in the applicable policies or value statement of the company the commitment of senior management to maintain and improve the quality of community relations.
Fulfill at least three of the following criteria:
3.1 Identify potential sources of pollutants associated with the participant’s operations and activities in the immediate zone of influence.
3.2 Carry out a characterization to benchmark the status of aquatic ecosystems in the participant’s immediate zone of influence.
Note: See phase II of annex 8-A.
3.3 Publicly disclose at least one annual report or corporate plan related in part or entirely to social responsibility (e.g. sustainability action plan or annual report, corporate social responsibility report, strategic plan).
3.4 Organize or actively participate (provide support through financial means, human resources, and/or material and equipment) in a clean-up activity of an aquatic environment in the participant’s immediate zone of influence or beyond to remove detritus, trash, and debris from the water or the shoreline.
3.5 Participate in social and/or environmental activities or events every year with the community and/or to the benefit of the community (e.g. shoreline clean-up operations, tree-planting campaigns, educational activities, fundraising events, scholarships).
Note: The participant must provide support, whether through financial means, human resources and/or material and equipment.
Fulfill one of the following two criteria:
4.1 Actively participate in implementing and/or supporting a permanent committee open to local communities that meets at least biannually (e.g. citizen or liaison committee) to discuss the subject matter directly related to the participant’s activities.
4.2 Regularly hold meetings with one or more local community groups or members of the community (subject matter and questions coming from the groups or members directly). Overall, this should represent a minimum of two meetings a year.
AND, fulfill three of the following four criteria:
4.3 Actively participate in meetings with one or more local community organization or NGO to discuss subject matter that contributes to the environmental or social well-being of the community and that is not directly related to the participant’s activities (e.g., be a Board member, regularly participate in committee meetings)
Note: Payment of membership is not sufficient to fulfill this criterion.
4.4 Recognize community relationships within the participant’s strategic plan as part of the company-wide culture (e.g. aiming for responsiveness, transparency, engagement, and feedback).
4.5 Develop and implement a communication process to regularly inform and allow the community to ask questions and make comments before, during, and after implementing new projects with potential social and environmental impacts. Make public and easily accessible all required steps for the community to ask questions and make comments.
Note: New projects include new services, operations, activities, or handled products with potential environmental or social impacts. Note:
See Annex 3-B for more detail.
4.6 Have a local community representative on the organization’s board of directors (if governance rules allow it).
5.1 Evaluate within the last three years the community’s perception of the participant. Based on the results, develop and implement measures addressing the concerns raised to improve the relationship with local stakeholders.
Note: See guidelines in Annex 7-B.
5.2 Within the last five years, carry out a co-creation project or develop an initiative in collaboration with one or more local stakeholders.
Note: See guidelines in Annex 7-C.
Maintain or improve the quality of relations with the various community stakeholders through open and transparent communications.
Definition of ‘community’ in the present context: Local stakeholders affected by the participant’s activities.
Notes :
Monitoring of regulations
2.1 Make available/post a telephone number of, or redirect calls to, the authority in charge of receiving inquiries and concerns (including complaints) related to the participant’s activities.
2.2 Develop and implement a documented procedure to keep track of and respond to inquiries and concerns (including complaints). As appropriate, dedicate a person to respond and/or be dispatched to the site in a timely fashion, implement and monitor corrective measures and readjust as needed.
2.3 Identify, locate, and update the participant’s network of local stakeholders (e.g. employees, tenants, residents, Indigenous Peoples, NGOs, municipalities/towns, governmental and environmental organizations, suppliers).
2.4 Regularly monitor media posts about the participant’s activities.
2.5 Communicate information about the participant’s activities and operations using at least two communication means. For example:
a) Social Media (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, TikTok);
b) LinkedIn;
c) TV;
d) YouTube;
e) Radio or podcast;
f) Webpage with community related content;
g) Local newspapers;
h) Newsletter; or
i) Magazine.
2.6 Incorporate in the applicable policies or value statement of the company the commitment of senior management to maintain and improve the quality of community relations.
Fulfill at least three of the following criteria:
3.1 Describe each stakeholder or stakeholder group identified in criterion 2.3. For each of them, identify issues and concerns related to the participant’s activities, as well as any ongoing and potential future collaboration opportunities.
3.2 Develop and implement a documented communication strategy or plan with a focus on responsiveness, transparency, engagement to reach out to the community, and feedback.
3.3 Publicly disclose at least one annual report or corporate plan related in part or entirely to social responsibility (e.g. sustainability action plan or annual report, corporate social responsibility report, strategic plan).
3.4 Implement or participate at least two community outreach strategies annually (e.g. port days, open houses, info sessions, voluntary workshops, visitor or information center, webinars, site tours, school visits).
3.5 Participate in social and/or environmental activities or events every year with the community and/or to the benefit of the community (e.g. shoreline clean-up operations, tree-planting campaigns, educational activities, fundraising events, scholarships).
Note: The participant must provide support, whether through financial means, human resources and/or material and equipment.
4.1 Actively participate in meetings with one or more local community organization or NGO to discuss subject matter that contributes to the environmental or social well-being of the community and that is not directly related to the participant’s activities (e.g., be a Board member, regularly participate in committee meetings)
Note: Payment of membership is not sufficient to fulfill this criterion.
4.2 Hold or actively participate, at least twice a year, in meetings with one or more local community members or groups to discuss subjects directly related to the participant’s activities. These meetings can include the implementation and/or participation on a permanent committee open to the local community that meets twice a year (e.g., citizen or liaison committee).
4.3 Recognize community relationships within the participant’s strategic plan as part of the company-wide culture (e.g. aiming for responsiveness, transparency, engagement, and feedback).
4.4 Develop and implement a communication process to regularly inform and allow the community to ask questions and make comments before, during, and after implementing new projects with potential social and environmental impacts. Make public and easily accessible all required steps for the community to ask questions and make comments.
Note: New projects include new services, operations, activities, or handled products with potential environmental or social impacts.
Note: See Annex 3-B for more detail.
5.1 Evaluate within the last three years the community’s perception of the participant. Based on the results, develop and implement measures addressing the concerns raised to improve the relationship with local stakeholders.
Note: See guidelines in Annex 6-B.
5.2 Within the last five years, carry out or participate in a co-creation project or initiative in collaboration with one or more local stakeholders.
Note: See guidelines in Annex 6-C.
Maintain or improve the quality of relations with the various community stakeholders through open and transparent communications.
Definition of ‘community’ in the present context: Local stakeholders affected by the participant’s activities.
Notes :
Monitoring of regulations
2.1 Make available/post a telephone number of, or redirect calls to, the authority in charge of receiving inquiries and concerns (including complaints) related to the participant’s activities.
2.2 Develop and implement a documented procedure to keep track of and respond to inquiries and concerns (including complaints). As appropriate, dedicate a person to respond and/or be dispatched to the site in a timely fashion, implement and monitor corrective measures and readjust as needed.
2.3 Identify, locate, and update the participant’s network of local stakeholders (e.g. employees, tenants, residents, Indigenous Peoples, NGOs, municipalities/towns, governmental and environmental organizations, suppliers).
2.4 Regularly monitor media posts about the participant’s activities.
2.5 Communicate information about the participant’s activities and operations using at least two communication means. For example:
a) Social Media (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, TikTok);
b) LinkedIn;
c) TV;
d) YouTube;
e) Radio or podcast;
f) Webpage with community related content;
g) Local newspapers;
h) Newsletter; or
i) Magazine.
2.6 Incorporate in the applicable policies or value statement of the company the commitment of senior management to maintain and improve the quality of community relations.
Fulfill at least three of the following criteria:
3.1 Describe each stakeholder or stakeholder group identified in criterion 2.3. For each of them, identify issues and concerns related to the participant’s activities, as well as any ongoing and potential future collaboration opportunities.
3.2 Develop and implement a documented communication strategy or plan with a focus on responsiveness, transparency, engagement to reach out to the community, and feedback.
3.3 Publicly disclose at least one annual report or corporate plan related in part or entirely to social responsibility (e.g. sustainability action plan or annual report, corporate social responsibility report, strategic plan).
3.4 Implement or participate at least two community outreach strategies annually (e.g. port days, open houses, info sessions, voluntary workshops, visitor or information center, webinars, site tours, school visits).
3.5 Participate in social and/or environmental activities or events every year with the community and/or to the benefit of the community (e.g. shoreline clean-up operations, tree-planting campaigns, educational activities, fundraising events, scholarships).
Note: The participant must provide support, whether through financial means, human resources and/or material and equipment.
4.1 Actively participate in meetings with one or more local community organization or NGO to discuss subject matter that contributes to the environmental or social well-being of the community and that is not directly related to the participant’s activities (e.g., be a Board member, regularly participate in committee meetings).
Note: Payment of membership is not sufficient to fulfill this criterion.
4.2 Hold or actively participate, at least twice a year, in meetings with one or more local community members or groups to discuss subjects directly related to the participant’s activities. These meetings can include the implementation and/or participation on a permanent committee open to the local community that meets twice a year (e.g., citizen or liaison committee).
4.3 Recognize community relationships within the participant’s strategic plan as part of the company-wide culture (e.g. aiming for responsiveness, transparency, engagement, and feedback).
4.4 Develop and implement a communication process to regularly inform and allow the community to ask questions and make comments before, during, and after implementing new projects with potential social and environmental impacts. Make public and easily accessible all required steps for the community to ask questions and make comments.
Note: New projects include new services, operations, activities, or handled products with potential environmental or social impacts.
Note: See Annex 3-B for more detail.
5.1 Evaluate within the last three years the community’s perception of the participant. Based on the results, develop and implement measures addressing the concerns raised to improve the relationship with local stakeholders.
Note: See guidelines in Annex 6-B.
5.2 Within the last five years, carry out or participate in a co-creation project or initiative in collaboration with one or more local stakeholders.
Note: See guidelines in Annex 6-C.