Reduce potential community exposure and negative impacts due to nuisances (e.g., noise, dust, light) caused by the participant's activities and operations.
Note :
In the context of this indicator, the community includes all people in close proximity to the participant (e.g., employees, nearby tenants, residents, Indigenous Peoples, local businesses, people using nearby recreational areas).
Monitoring of regulations
Implementation of the majority of applicable criteria:
2.1 Issue a notice to ships that their sirens are to be used only to ensure safe movement.
2.2 Adopt operational procedures or take measures limiting the use, or reducing the impact of warning signals, without compromising safety (e.g., use strobe light during nighttime operations, use lynx alarm, adapt the height or direction of the device, adjust the frequency of the signal).
2.3 Take measures to reduce the noise emanating from rail operations at the port (such as rail lubrication, etc.).
2.4 Limit idling of vehicles, equipment, and locomotives.
2.5 Have a documented process (e.g., purchase policy) for selecting less noisy equipment when buying new equipment.
2.6 Adopt dust control measures on the participants’ operated property (e.g., watering, wet brushing, sweeping, maintenance of pavement, landscaping).
2.7 Apply measures to improve the management of bulk cargo storage (e.g., covering cargo that is stored in piles, reducing the height of such piles, moving piles to areas that are less exposed to wind, build/install containment walls).
2.8 Take measures to avoid garbage and recycling dispersion by wind and wildlife (ex. covers, fencing) and to reduce odours.
2.9 Implement measures to manage traffic (e.g., bus, truck, railway) in and out of the property to avoid local congestion (e.g., signboard, traffic coordinator, or checker).
2.10 Direct lights so they only illuminate the necessary zone.
2.11 Switch off bothersome lighting at a specific time if there are no operations underway.
3.1 Adopt a plan for managing community issues, which formally incorporates all applicable best practices, set out in level 2.
Note: See Annex 3-A.
3.2 Have in place a procedure to verify noise levels of operations on a regular basis (at least annually).
3.3 Have a procedure for evaluating environmental and social aspects of new projects, activities, or types of operations including handling of new products, if there is uncertainty around the potential for environmental and social impacts and where mitigation measures are not known to be effective and established.
Note: Not applicable to projects that are subject to an environmental assessment under existing regulation.
Note: See Annex 3-B.
3.4 Establish and implement a nuisance mitigation plan during works and/or operations.
Note: For ports, mitigation measures must be systematically part of all service contracts and communicated to tenants.
3.5 Adopt and communicate a policy that deals with noise from vessels at anchor, and/or collaborate with the competent authorities to establish and communicate procedures for dealing with noise from vessels at anchor (e.g., operation of auxiliary or back-up engines, maintenance work).
Implementation of the majority of applicable criteria:
4.1 Install green corridors (e.g., dune system), vegetated or recreational areas (e.g., tree alley, parks) between operating site and residential area if appropriate.
4.2 Have a procedure or system in place that optimizes truck movements to manage congestion and mitigate other associated issues.
4.3 Monitor noise in real-time in areas of concern (e.g., areas located close to residences or subject to frequent complaints) and have a data monitoring process in place.
4.4 Create noise barriers using a sustainable approach (e.g., vegetated buffer zone or noise barrier walls with limited community and environmental impacts).
4.5 Install silencer, muffler, timer, or another device to reduce noise from noisy equipment or cover with sound-insulating material.
Air emissions:
4.6 Monitor air emissions (e.g., PM2.5 PM10, CO, NO2, O3, SO2, H2S, heavy metal vapours or particles, VOCs, PAHs, or odours) in the areas of concern (e.g., areas located close to residences, areas subject to frequent complaints, areas particularly exposed to wind) and have a data monitoring process in place. Choose monitoring frequencies in line with best practices specific to the emissions (e.g., near real-time to monthly measurements).
4.7 Implement mitigation measures (e.g., canvas, tarpaulins, curtains, or other equivalent control barriers) during spray painting and blasting operations to prevent the dispersal of dust and aerosol particles by the wind.
4.8 Collect and confine spent abrasives and debris (after blasting to dock-bottom/yard grounds) to avoid dispersion by wind and stormwater (e.g., cover piles or use covered containers).
4.9 Install fixtures that optimize lighting and reduce light pollution when replacing fixtures or during new projects.
4.10 Evaluate existing lighting plans and take effective measures to optimize lighting and reduce impacts
5.1 Implement all applicable criteria listed in Level 4.
5.2 For impacts of concern to the local community (e.g., noise pollution and pollutant air emissions like PM2.5, PM10, CO, NO2, O3, SO2, H2S, heavy metal vapours or particles, VOCs, PAHs), publicly disclose monitoring data collected at Level 4 (e.g., real-time noise data, near real-time PM2.5 data, biannual reporting for metal analysis) through an online portal or website, making sure the data is digestible for the general public.
Reduce potential community exposure and negative impacts due to nuisances (e.g., noise, dust, light) caused by the participant's activities and operations.
Note :
Monitoring of regulations
Implementation of the majority of applicable criteria:
2.1 Impose speed limits on vehicles in sensitive zones.
2.2 Adopt operational procedures or take measures limiting the use, or reducing the impact of warning signals, without compromising safety (e.g., use strobe light during nighttime operations, use lynx alarm, adapt the height or direction of the device, adjust the frequency of the signal).
2.3 Take measures to reduce the noise emanating from rail operations (such as rail lubrication, etc.).
2.4 Limit idling of vehicles, equipment, and locomotives.
2.5 Have a documented process (e.g., purchase policy) for selecting less noisy equipment when buying new equipment.
Air emissions:
2.6 Adopt dust control measures on the participants’ operated property (e.g., watering, wet brushing, sweeping, maintenance of pavement, landscaping).
2.7 Apply measures to improve the management of bulk cargo storage (e.g., covering cargo that is stored in piles, reducing the height of such piles, moving piles to areas that are less exposed to wind, build/install containment walls).
Odours & Nuisance wildlife:
2.8 Take measures to avoid garbage and recycling dispersion by wind and wildlife (ex. covers, fencing) and to reduce odours.
2.9 Implement measures to manage traffic (e.g., bus, truck, railway) in and out of the property to avoid local congestion (e.g., signboard, traffic coordinator or checker).
2.10 Direct lights so they only illuminate the necessary zone.
2.11 Switch off bothersome lighting at a specific time if there are no operations underway.
3.1 Adopt a plan for managing community issues, which formally incorporates all applicable best practices, set out in level 2.
Note: See Annex 3-A.
3.2 Have in place a procedure to verify noise levels of operations on a regular basis (at least annually).
3.3 Have a procedure for evaluating environmental and social aspects of new projects, activities or types of operations including handling of new products, if there is uncertainty around the potential for environmental and social impacts and where mitigation measures are not known to be effective and established.
Note: Not applicable to projects that are subject to an environmental assessment under existing regulation.
Note: See Annex 3-B.
3.4 Establish and implement a nuisance mitigation plan during works and/or operations.
Implementation of the majority of applicable criteria:
4.1 Install green corridors (e.g., dune system), vegetated or recreational areas (e.g., tree alley, parks) between operating site and residential area if appropriate.
4.2 Have a procedure or system in place that optimizes truck movements to manage congestion and mitigate other associated issues.
4.3 Monitor noise in real-time in areas of concern (e.g., areas located close to residences or subject to frequent complaints) and have a data monitoring process in place.
4.4 Create noise barriers using a sustainable approach (e.g., vegetated buffer zone or noise barrier walls with limited community and environmental impacts).
4.5 Install silencer, muffler, timer, or another device to reduce noise from noisy equipment or cover with sound-insulating material.
Air emissions:
4.6 Monitor air emissions (e.g., PM2.5 PM10, CO, NO2, O3, SO2, H2S, heavy metal vapours or particles, VOCs, PAHs, or odours) in the areas of concern (e.g., areas located close to residences, areas subject to frequent complaints, areas particularly exposed to wind) and have a data monitoring process in place. Choose monitoring frequencies in line with best practices specific to the emissions (e.g., near real-time to monthly measurements).
4.7 Implement mitigation measures (e.g., canvas, tarpaulins, curtains, or other equivalent control barriers) during spray painting and blasting operations to prevent the dispersal of dust and aerosol particles by the wind.
4.8 Collect and confine spent abrasives and debris (after blasting to dock-bottom/yard grounds) to avoid dispersion by wind and stormwater (e.g., cover piles or use covered containers).
4.9 Install fixtures that optimize lighting and reduce light pollution when replacing fixtures or during new projects.
4.10 Evaluate existing lighting plans and take effective measures to optimize lighting and reduce impacts.
5.1 Implement all applicable criteria listed in Level 4.
5.2 For impacts of concern to the local community (e.g., noise pollution and pollutant air emissions like PM2.5, PM10, CO, NO2, O3, SO2, H2S, heavy metal vapours or particles, VOCs, PAHs), publicly disclose monitoring data collected at Level 4 (e.g., real-time noise data, near real-time PM2.5 data, biannual reporting for metal analysis) through an online portal or website, making sure the data is digestible for the general public.
Canadian liquid bulk terminals only:
5.3 Implement a system for collecting vapours arising from tanker loading operations.
Reduce potential community exposure and negative impacts due to nuisances (e.g., noise, dust, light) caused by the participant's activities and operations.
Note :
Monitoring of regulations
Implementation of the majority of applicable criteria:
2.1 Impose speed limits on vehicles in sensitive zones.
2.2 Adopt operational procedures or take measures limiting the use, or reducing the impact of warning signals, without compromising safety (e.g., use strobe light during nighttime operations, use lynx alarm, adapt the height or direction of the device, adjust the frequency of the signal).
2.3 Take measures to reduce the noise emanating from shipyard operations (e.g., sandblasting, heavy machinery operations).
2.4 Limit idling of vehicles, and equipment.
2.5 Have a documented process (e.g., purchase policy) for selecting less noisy equipment when buying new equipment.
Air emissions:
2.6 Adopt dust control measures sitewide (e.g., watering, wet brushing, sweeping, maintenance of pavement, landscaping).
Odours & Nuisance wildlife:
2.7 Take measures to avoid garbage and recycling dispersion by wind and wildlife (ex. covers, fencing) and to reduce odor emanations.
2.8 Implement measures to manage traffic in and out of the property to avoid local congestion (e.g., signboard, traffic coordinator, or checker).
2.9 Direct lights so they only illuminate the necessary zone.
2.10 Switch off bothersome lighting at a specific time if there are no operations underway.
3.1 Adopt a plan for managing community issues, which formally incorporates all applicable best practices, set out in level 2.
Note: See Annex 3-A.
3.2 Have in place a procedure to verify noise levels of operations on a regular basis (at least annually).
3.3 Have a procedure for evaluating environmental and social aspects of new projects and activities, if there is uncertainty around the potential for environmental and social impacts and where mitigation measures are not known to be effective and established.
Note: Not applicable to projects that are subject to an environmental assessment under existing regulation.
Note: See Annex 3-B.
3.4 Establish and implement a nuisance mitigation plan during works and/or operations.
Implementation of the majority of applicable criteria:
4.1 Install green corridors (e.g., dune system), vegetated or recreational areas (e.g., tree alley, parks) between operating site and residential area if appropriate.
4.2 Have a procedure or system in place that optimizes truck movements to manage congestion and mitigate other associated issues.
4.3 Monitor noise in real-time in areas of concern (e.g., areas located close to residences or subject to frequent complaints) and have a data monitoring process in place.
4.4 Create noise barriers using a sustainable approach (e.g., vegetated buffer zone or noise barrier walls with limited community and environmental impacts).
4.5 Install silencer, muffler, timer, or another device to reduce noise from noisy equipment or cover with sound-insulating material.
Air emissions:
4.6 Monitor air emissions (e.g., PM2.5 PM10, CO, NO2, O3, SO2, H2S, heavy metal vapours or particles, VOCs, PAHs, or odours) in the areas of concern (e.g., areas located close to residences, areas subject to frequent complaints, areas particularly exposed to wind) and have a data monitoring process in place. Choose monitoring frequencies in line with best practices specific to the emissions (e.g., near real-time to monthly measurements).
4.7 Implement mitigation measures (e.g., canvas, tarpaulins, curtains, or other equivalent control barriers) during spray painting and blasting operations to prevent the dispersal of dust and aerosol particles by the wind.
4.8 Collect and confine spent abrasives and debris (after blasting to dock-bottom/yard grounds) to avoid dispersion by wind and stormwater (e.g., cover piles or use covered containers).
4.9 Install fixtures that optimize lighting and reduce light pollution when replacing fixtures or during new projects.
4.10 Evaluate existing lighting plans and take effective measures to optimize lighting and reduce impacts.
5.1 Implement all applicable criteria listed in Level 4.
5.2 For impacts of concern to the local community (e.g., noise pollution and pollutant air emissions like PM2.5, PM10, CO, NO2, O3, SO2, H2S, heavy metal vapours or particles, VOCs, PAHs), publicly disclose monitoring data collected at Level 4 (e.g., real-time noise data, near real-time PM2.5 data, biannual reporting for metal analysis) through an online portal or website, making sure the data is digestible for the general public.