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Vancouver Fraser Port Authority contributes towards Burnaby overpass project

January 29, 2020

The Vancouver Fraser Port Authority has signed a memorandum of understanding with the City of Burnaby to guide the planning, design and construction of a proposed overpass over the rail line in Burnaby, British Columbia.

The Holdom Overpass is part of the Burnaby Rail Corridor Improvements Project — a series of improvements identified as priority upgrades to improve the flow of trains to and from the port terminals in North Vancouver. The port authority, CN, and the Government of Canada (through the National Trade Corridors Fund) are funding the $145-million project. Upon completion, the City of Burnaby will assume ownership of the overpass.

The proposed overpass will extend Holdom Avenue southwards over the rail tracks to connect to Douglas Road, providing a new north-south connection in a burgeoning town centre. In addition to supporting greater national trade, the new Holdom Overpass will help to achieve one of Burnaby’s long-term transportation goals. Burnaby residents are expected to benefit from new walking and cycling amenities, more reliable travel times, and improved public safety and emergency response options.

Subject to final design approval and several conditions outlined in the memorandum of understanding that include public engagement and Indigenous consultation, the port authority will work in partnership with the City of Burnaby to ensure the planning, design and construction respond to the needs of the local community and region. The initial three phases of public engagement will take place this spring and, if they meet with approval, the construction is anticipated to begin in 2022.