SLR Consulting (Canada) Ltd. has specialized in providing a wide range of environmental consulting services for more than 20 years. The Canadian staff includes 400 environmental specialists, consultants, engineers and scientists. SLR partners with clients through a project’s entire lifecycle: starting with strategy and design, through compliance and operations, to end-of-life and remediation aspects. Its commitment to understanding and meeting a client’s needs from beginning to end is reflected in the many long-term relationships that SLR has established with its clients.
SLR employs underwater noise data acquisition systems incorporating state of the art hydrophones and signal processing software to measure and analyze underwater noise sources. The company has developed an extensive measurement database of underwater noise sources for implementation in underwater noise modelling applications. SLR has measured and developed a robust set of environmental impact assessment criteria for higher risk, high noise generating activities such as seismic surveys, marine piling, and underwater blasting.