SANEXEN, a LOGISTEC subsidiary, won the Envirolys Innovation and Environmental Protection Award at the annual gala of the Conseil des entreprises en technologies environnementales du Québec (CETEQ), which encompasses private expertise on the province’s green economy.
Recognizing companies that have developed a new approach, technology or service that has a positive impact on the environment, this award highlights SANEXEN’s efforts through its project to recover certain residual materials.
To strengthen the circular economy, the award recipient has demonstrated the possibility of reusing residual materials from construction and demolition (C&D) centres and has even opened the first North American centre for the recovery of these materials. This centre facilitates the transformation of debris into as much as 150,000 metric tons of by-products such as compost, aggregates and wood annually.
By keeping these residues out of landfills, SANEXEN limits the waste of resources and related impacts on the environment. With this first milestone achieved, the SANEXEN team is now working to transform these C&D residues into quality construction materials to further maximize their reuse and recovery.