Marine Atlantic won the Large Business of the Year award at the 19th annual Mobius Awards of Environmental Excellence on October 24, 2017, at the Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel. The company was praised for its waste management program. More than 950,000 passengers travel via Marine Atlantic vessels within a three-year span: that adds up to a lot of waste! A corporate-wide waste audit was performed during the development of the corporation’s waste management program and strategy to identify what had to be done to reduce Marine Atlantic’s environmental footprint. The result is a program designed to ensure that every aspect of the corporation diverts its waste appropriately and responsibly. Each department is responsible for implementing containers, bins and signage throughout the corporation – including aboard vessels, in dock areas, workspaces, and terminals. The corporation operates in two provinces that have different waste-sorting regulations. To ensure the program is being adopted throughout the company, weekly inspections are carried out to make certain that all areas are working together for a cleaner workplace and environment.