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Canadian Whale Institute shares information about Cabot Strait voluntary slowdown

March 4, 2024

With the seasonal return of the North Atlantic right whales to the Gulf of St. Lawrence, the Canadian Whale Institute has reposted the 2024 Cabot Strait Voluntary Slowdown information on its website. This initiative aims to protect these endangered marine mammals during their migration through Cabot Strait.

Mariners are reminded of their crucial role in reducing North Atlantic Right Whale mortalities. Cabot Strait is an essential migratory corridor for Right Whales to access the Gulf of St. Lawrence, where they feed and socialize.

To help prevent lethal collisions, vessels are encouraged to reduce their speed to no more than 10 knots during the seasonal slowdowns, which will occur from April 17th to June 25th and from September 25th to November 15th.

The Canadian Whale Institute has also provided links to two helpful resources: WhaleMap is an interactive tool for researchers and regulatory agencies; and WhaleALERT is a free app designed to inform mariners of safe navigation strategies to reduce the risks of ship and whale collisions, which is now updated to include data on  Pacific waters off Canada, the United States and elsewhere.