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Sustainability pledge

In keeping with its sustainability mission, Green Marine always strives to the extent feasible to organize its annual GreenTech conference with the least possible environmental impact.

To minimize waste and greenhouse gas emissions, Green Marine has committed to making the most responsibly sustainable choices possible in organizing this yearly gathering of primarily North American visitors.

  • Ensuring GreenTech’s carbon neutrality: Since 2014, GreenTech has offset the carbon footprint of its annual conference, which includes the air and ground transportation of all delegates, their accommodations and meals, as well as other conference necessities.
  • Collaborating with partners and suppliers who share Green Marine’s values, who are conscious of their impact on the environment, and actively taking steps to lessen it.
  • Using an event app and on-site screens to display conference information rather than preparing and distributing printed materials that might later be thrown away.
  • Opting for reusable or compostable tableware to avoid single-use plastics.
  • Choosing whenever possible venues that have functional recycling and composting systems and ensuring that waste sorting stations are placed with easy access.
  • Providing water stations to encourage the use of reusable containers.
  • Selecting caterers who favour preparing local food.
  • Partnering with a city's public transportation providers whenever possible to offer reduced fares for visitors.
  • For the second consecutive year, Green Marine will no longer provides delegate bags to avoid distributing promotional items that are not useful to all. A draw for a few significant prizes has replaced individual bags.

Green Marine recognizes that small changes, such as the above measures, can ultimately make a big difference to the environment. Although virtual events generate considerably less greenhouse gas emissions, it has been Green Marine’s direct experience that holding an in-person event is essential to encourage high-quality discussions on best practices, emerging technologies, and innovative approaches to the most sustainable maritime transportation. Green Marine is convinced that the positive impacts of this annual gathering are worth it given the shared knowledge, valuable networking and new sustainable initiatives that follow each conference.

GreenTech welcomes primarily individuals who are already dedicated to minimizing human impact on the environment and keen to determine new ways to make transportation as sustainable as possible. Green Marine wishes to express its gratitude to its delegates who collaborate in making GreenTech as sustainable as possible each year by supporting us in these Earth friendlier measures.

Carbon offset

Carboneutral event

Each year, Green Marine offsets the emissions from travel and other activities related to its annual conference by purchasing quality carbon credits through the Planetair Global Portfolio which comprises various projects that neutralize GHG emissions in a real, additional, transparent, and verified manner.