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Call for speakers

The deadline to submit a proposal is Saturday, December 2, 2023. 

The Green Marine team is pleased to invite you to its 17th annual GreenTech 2024 conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia. We are already preparing for this not-to-be-missed event for anyone interested in the maritime industry, green technologies and innovation in sustainable maritime transport.

GreenTech 2024 will be held at the Halifax Convention Center from Wednesday, June 5 to Friday, June 7, 2024. Green Marine invites maritime community members to submit presentation proposals on the issues addressed by its 15 performance indicators and on current topics of interest related to its participants: ship owners, ports, Seaway, terminals and shipyards.

Main topics of interest for GreenTech 2024

Arctic Shipping

The Arctic is experiencing accelerated warming due to climate change, surpassing the global average rate. While the region’s communities depend on shipping for their development, the Arctic environment harbours an exceptionally fragile and unique ecosystem. Sustainable shipping practices are key to unlocking economic opportunities while ensuring responsible management that safeguards the environment. We actively seek presentations that spotlight strategies and best practices geared towards mitigating the environmental impact of shipping activities in the Arctic, fostering engagement with its communities, and charting a responsible course forward.


Decarbonization stands as the foremost environmental priority within the marine transportation sector. We are seeking presentations that delve into various facets of decarbonization, encompassing topics such as alternative fuels, tools and strategies for emission reduction, electrification, and battery technologies. Particularly, we are keen on real-life projects, partnerships with Green Marine members, and the lessons learned from these endeavours, both from the landside and seaside perspectives.

Marine mammals and aquatic biodiversity

In light of the recent release of the updated IMO guidelines on the reduction of underwater noise and the revised IMO guidelines for the control and management of ships’ biofouling, the shipping industry is advancing in its efforts to identify tools and technologies that will curtail its impact on marine mammals and aquatic life. We invite presentations that explore these subjects from diverse angles, including the practical implementation of the new guidelines, initiatives focused on data collection regarding underwater noise, the development of innovative and less disruptive technologies, and the dissemination of best practices for in-water hull cleaning, among others.

Sustainable shipbuilding

In recent years, several shipyards in North America have joined Green Marine, and the Green Marine Europe certification is on the verge of extending its scope to the shipbuilding sector. The Green Marine program is being tailored to accommodate this sector's distinctive activities and challenges. To inform this ongoing effort, we welcome presentation proposals that focus on a range of themes, such as green ship designs and materials, comprehensive lifecycle analyses evaluating ships' environmental footprints from cradle to grave, and the introduction of innovative technologies aimed at enhancing shipyards' energy efficiency.

Conditions to submit a proposal

Eligibility criteria

Green Marine will evaluate proposals based on the following criteria:

  • Interest, relevance and topicality (deals with current and/or local matters)
  • Innovation and originality
  • Informative content (avoid sales pitches)


Speakers agree to:

  • Take part in a short virtual info session on the conference logistics (speakers' registration, deadlines, etc.)
  • Be available for the conference on both Thursday, June 6, 2024, and Friday, June 7, 2024
  • Give their presentation in English.
  • Supply their PowerPoint presentation at least one week before the event
  • Respect the period allotted per presentation, approximately 20 minutes (to be confirmed, depending on the session's format)
  • Inform Green Marine if they are unable to participate and validate with Green Marine any replacement options ahead of time
  • Allow Green Marine to use their name, title, company as well as any information provided about their presentation for
    the conference advertising purposes
  • Have their presentation (PDF format) shared with GreenTech delegates, post-conference


Each accepted presentation comes with one free speaker registration for all conference activities. Up to 2 speakers per presentation are allowed. A single co-presenter is offered a reduced registration fee. Speakers must pay their travel and accommodation expenses and any other costs related to their participation in the event.


The deadline to submit a proposal has been extended to Friday, December 8, 2023. Green Marine will announce its decision at the end of January 2024. If you have any questions regarding this call for proposals, don't hesitate to contact our team by email at greentech@green-marine.org.

Priority will be given to applications that respect the deadline and meet the eligibility criteria.

Submit a proposal

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