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Air Emissions - Greenhouse gases

Criteria by type of participant


Performance indicator's objective:

To reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

2024 criteria

Level 1

Monitoring of regulations

Level 2

2.1 Implement a systematic control policy for documenting fuel (bunker notes).

Note: Bunker notes must be retained and annual consumption notes must be kept for each ship.

2.2 Use climatology and weather forecasting to take advantage of tidal currents and avoid storms. Plan voyages to reduce running hours and idling time.

2.3 Optimize trim for fuel efficiency when loading cargo and managing ballast, if carried.

2.4 Follow voluntary slow speed measures in specific zones, as identified by port or governmental authority.

2.5 Implement a preventive engine maintenance system to optimize performance.

2.6 Identify optimal engine speed or engine load for fuel efficiency. Inform crew and ensure awareness of this optimal ‘economic’ speed. Transit at this speed to the extent practicable.

2.7 Implement a replacement program for LED or other energy efficiency light upgrades.

Pilot Boats and Tugs Only:

2.8 Reduce idling with dispatch scheduling and/or providing tie-up locations where awaiting tow or escort.

Level 3

3.1 Complete an annual GHG emissions inventory (totals and intensity) for the company's entire fleet, owned and chartered.

Note: See Annex 3-A.

3.2 Adopt a Decarbonization Plan that has quantifiable objectives towards net-zero and that formally incorporates the best practices required for achievement of level 2.

Note: See Annex 3-B.

AND fulfill one of the following 2 criteria

3.3 On at least 1 vessel, conduct a shipboard energy audit or implement near real-time measurement and actionable analytics of fuel consumption.


3.4 Support scientific research on energy efficiency and decarbonization by providing access to ships by government, academic, or other research groups or by participating on an expert working group.

Level 4

4.1 Achieve an annual average reduction in GHG intensity (GHG emissions per tonne-nautical mile or per hour for tugs, passenger vessels, or other non-cargo ships) since 2008 of 1.X% - where in 2024, 1.X = 1.2% and for each additional year, the target increases a tenth up to 1.8% for a cumulative 40% reduction by 2030.

Note: See Annex 3-A for the methodology.

AND fulfill one of the following 2 criteria

4.2 Actively participate in research and development on reducing GHG, for example – alternative and renewable fuels, alternative propulsion, infrastructure development, or abatement technologies.


4.3 On the majority of vessels, conduct a shipboard energy audit or implement near real-time measurement and actionable analytics of fuel consumption or vessel efficiency.

Level 5

5.1 Achieve an annual average reduction in GHG intensity (GHG emissions per tonne-nautical mile or per hour for tugs, passenger vessels, or other non-cargo ships) of 2.4% since 2008.

Note: See Annex 3-A for the methodology.



For a fleet of 20 or less vessels: Operate a low-carbon emission vessel: 30% of energy use is from a renewable or zero-carbon source.

For a fleet of more than 20 vessels: 5% of the fleet (≥1 in 20 vessels) meets the low-carbon definition OR meets an equivalent proportion of usage from greater percentage of renewable or zero-carbon fuel.


Performance indicator's objective:

To reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) and air pollutant emissions.

2024 criteria

Level 1

Monitoring of regulations

Level 2

2.1 Implement measures that discourage idling of vehicles and other equipment powered by Internal Combustion Engines. Include, at minimum, the participant’s own road, off-road, and unlicensed vehicles.

2.2 Promote sustainable transportation practices by employees (e.g., incentives for public transport and carpooling, reorganization of business travel, installation of bicycle racks and electric vehicle charging stations).

2.3 Implement measures to reduce truck congestion.

Ports only:

2.4 Implement policies and communications that inform or, when necessary, issue warnings to ships that emit excessive amounts of smoke.

Level 3

3.1 Complete an annual report on GHG emissions.

Note: Include Scope 1 at minimum, and Scope 2 is recommended, as defined by a recognized standard, such as the GHG Protocol.

Note: See Annex 1-A.

AND fulfill one of the following two criteria:

3.2 Within the last 5 years, complete a detailed inventory for all Port and terminal operator owned, leased, and operated fleets, such as vehicle, off-road, and locomotives.

Note: Include equipment’s model year and engine’s model year and/or emissions standard/tier, if available. Other data requirements may include hp and annual hours of operation.


3.3 Implement a program to transition to lower emission equipment through cleaner fuels, engine repowers, or equipment replacements. This can be through direct incentives, rebates, or coordination of outside funding sources.

Level 4

4.1 Complete a port-wide inventory of GHGs and air pollutants emitted from all sectors: marine vessels (ocean going and harbour craft), cargo handling equipment, rail, truck, and administrative within the last 5 years. Inventory should include key GHGs: CO2, CH4, and N2O and criteria air pollutants, such as NOx, SOx, VOC, and PM.

Note: Participants that are in nonattainment areas or that have potential “hotspots” should place a priority on an inventory of their relevant criteria air pollutants. Criteria air pollutants refer to those reported in Environment Canada’s National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) or U.S. EPA’s National Emissions Inventory (NEI).

Note: See Annex 1-A

4.2 Adopt a performance plan for air emissions resulting directly from the participant’s activities. In the plan, define reduction measures and establish reduction targets for both GHG and air pollutants.

Note: See Annex 1-B.

Level 5

5.1 Adopt a performance plan for port-wide air emissions that defines port-wide emission reduction measures, targets, and time frames. Demonstrate progress through projects and partnerships.  Publicly disclose GHG and air pollutants reduction targets and time frame. 

Note : See Annex 1-B.

5.2 Demonstrate an annual average reduction of ≥2.4% of the participant’s direct GHG emissions (in intensity or absolute) over at least a 3-year time frame based on repeated inventories done for criterion 3.1 within the last 3 years.

5.3 Complete the inventory done for criterion 3.1 in accordance with a recognized standard, such as the GHG Protocol or ISO 14064, either by a credentialed professional to do the inventory or for every other inventory, conduct an external desktop review to check adherence to the standard.

5.4 Achieve an annual average reduction in GHG intensity of ≥1% over at least a 3-year time frame, based on sequential inventories done for criterion 4.1 or on a more comparable hindcast, within the last 5 years.


Performance indicator's objective:

To reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) and air pollutant emissions.

2024 criteria

Level 1

Monitoring of regulations

Level 2

2.1 Implement measures that discourage idling of vehicles and other equipment powered by Internal Combustion Engines. Include, at minimum, the participant’s own road, off-road, and unlicensed vehicles.

2.2 Promote sustainable transportation practices by employees (e.g., incentives for public transport and carpooling, reorganization of business travel, installation of bicycle racks and electric vehicle charging stations).

2.3 Implement measures to reduce truck congestion.

Level 3

3.1 Complete an annual report on GHG emissions.

Note:  Include Scope 1 at minimum, and Scope 2 is recommended, as defined by a recognized standard, such as the GHG Protocol.

Note: See Annex 1-A.

Level 4

4.1 Complete a detailed inventory of GHGs and air pollutants that at least includes emissions from within the boundary of the participant’s footprint within the last 5 years. Inventory should include key GHGs: CO2, CH4, and N2O and criteria air pollutants, such as NOx, SOx, VOC, and PM.

Note: Participants that are in nonattainment areas or that have potential “hotspots” should place a priority on an inventory of their relevant criteria air pollutants. Criteria air pollutants refer to those reported in Environment Canada’s National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) or U.S. EPA’s National Emissions Inventory (NEI). See Annex 1-A.

4.2 Adopt a performance plan for air emissions resulting directly from the participant’s activities. In the plan, define reduction measures and establish reduction targets for both GHG and air pollutants.

Note: See Annex 1-B.

Level 5

5.1 Define reduction targets and timelines for both emissions intensity and absolute.

5.2 Achieve an annual average reduction of ≥2.4%, over at least a 3-year time frame, in GHG intensity from the participant’s own GHG emissions (minimum Scope 1 and recommended Scope 2), within the last 3 years based on sequential inventories done for criterion 3.1 or design baseline accepted by Green Marine.


Performance indicator's objective:

To reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) and air pollutant emissions.

2023 criteria

Level 1

Monitoring of regulations

Level 2

2.1 Implement measures that discourage idling of vehicles and other equipment powered by Internal Combustion Engines. Include, at minimum, the participant’s own road, off-road, and unlicensed vehicles.

2.2 Promote sustainable transportation practices by employees (e.g., incentives for public transport and carpooling, reorganization of business travel, installation of bicycle racks and electric vehicle charging stations).

2.3 Implement measures to reduce truck congestion.

Level 3

3.1 Complete an annual report on GHG emissions.

Note: Include Scope 1 at minimum, and Scope 2 is recommended, as defined by the GHG Reporting Protocol. See Annex 1-A.

Level 4

4.1 Complete a detailed inventory of total air pollutants emitted within the boundary of the participant’s footprint within the last 5 years. Inventory should include key criteria air pollutants, such as NOx, SOx, VOC, and PM.

Note: Participants that are in nonattainment areas or that have potential “hotspots” should place a priority on an inventory of their relevant criteria air pollutants. Criteria air pollutants refer to those reported in Environment Canada’s National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) or U.S. EPA’s National Emissions Inventory (NEI).

4.2 Adopt a performance plan for air emissions resulting directly from the participant’s activities. In the plan, define reduction measures and establish targets to be carbon-neutral by 2050.

Note: See Annex 1-B. Carbon neutrality, or net zero CO2 emissions, refers only to carbon dioxide emissions and is a state of balance between the CO2 emitted into and removed from the atmosphere.

Level 5

5.1 Achieve an annual average reduction in GHG intensity of ≥ 2.4% based on a 2008 inventory baseline, or other annual average reduction based on another baseline year to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

Note: An annual average reduction percentage based on a year other than 2008, X, can be calculated by 100 % ÷ (2050 - X).

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