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Team and structure

Corporate leadership is one of the fundamental elements of Green Marine International’s success.

Our structure

Green Marine is managed by Green Marine International, a non-profit organization formed in May 2024 to oversee the Green Marine and Green Marine Europe programs. This corporation is managed by a board of directors, an entity composed of the highest executives of companies participating in the programs. 

Board of directors

The board of directors allows participants to actively engage in the program’s development and implementation and to determine Green Marine International’s strategic orientations. It is comprised of twelve members, including the leaders of American, Canadian and European companies, thus highlighting the initative’s global composition and diverse membership that extends to several aspects of the industry. Nine North American directors were elected on May 23, 2023, at the first-ever Annual General Meeting, and three Europeans directors were nominated in the fall of 2024. 

Jan Allman

Chief Executive Officer, Fincantieri Marinette Marine
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BJörn Bijma

Executive Operations Officer, CSL Group
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Isabelle Brassard

Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Fednav
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Anne-Sophie Cochelin

Vice President Sustainability, CMA CGM
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Claudine Couture-Trudel

Vice President, ESG Policy and Future Initiatives, QSL
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Daniel Dagenais

President & CEO, NEAS
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Deb Deluca

Executive Director, Duluth Seaway Port Authority
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Raymond Johnston

Corporate Secretary, Green Marine Management Corporation
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Christophe Mathieu

Chief Executive Officer, Brittany Ferries
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Capt. Minas Myrtidis

Vice President of Environmental Operations and Compliance, MSC Cruises
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Steve Nevey

Assistant Secretary, Washington State Ferries
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Sean Pierce

CEO, Logistec
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Stephanie Jones Stebbins

Managing Director – Maritime, Port of Seattle
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Our team


President and CEO

David Bolduc

📍Québec, QC

Having actively participated in the creation of the certification program, David Bolduc was appointed executive director in January 2010. He now acts as president. As such, he is responsible for overseeing Green Marine’s administration, program development and strategic planning. He leads a team of six employees based in Quebec City, Saint John's and Seattle. Reporting directly to the board of directors, he is Green Marine’s primary representative in terms of ensuring the program’s outreach.

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Véronique Trudeau
Program manager

Véronique Trudeau

📍Québec, QC

Véronique Trudeau joined the Green Marine team in September 2019 and holds the position of Program Manager. She coordinates the St. Lawrence Advisory Committee and provides support for the participants in this region. She coordinates the technical committee for ports, the Seaway, terminals, and shipyards that communicates in French, and is responsible for the majority of the performance indicators applicable to these participant categories. Véronique also leads various working groups tasked with reviewing the program for required updates and possible further development. She oversaw the development of the Community Relations performance indicator, as well as the new one for Aquatic Ecosystems.

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Communications manager

Manon Lanthier

📍Québec, QC

Green Marine’s communications manager since May 2011, Manon Lanthier is responsible for the organization’s external and internal communications. She plans and coordinates the communications strategy conveyed on Green Marine’s various platforms, such as its social media, magazine and website. She also takes care of the logistics for the organization’s GreenTech conference, which is held in a different North American city each year.

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Communications officer

Emilie Bedard

📍Québec, QC

In March 2025, Emilie Bedard joined the Green Marine team as a Communications officer. In this role, she is involved in a variety of essential tasks, from newsletter conception and website management to social media coordination and member support. She thus works closely with the team on internal and external communications projects, and is also closely involved in GreenTech's logistics.

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Program Manager

Allison Ryan

📍St. John's, NL

Allison Ryan joined the Green Marine team in January 2024 and holds the position of Program Manager. Being based in St. John’s, NL, she coordinates the North Atlantic Advisory Committee and supports the program’s East Coast participants in both Canada and the U.S. She is also involved in reviewing and developing the Green Marine program’s requirements and supports the external verification process.

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Finance and Administration Manager

Mohammed Zahiri

📍Montréal, QC

With extensive experience in accounting and finance, Mohammed Zahiri joined Green Marine in August 2024 where he leads the growing organization's financial and administrative operations. He contributes to financial planning and management, including accounting, budgeting, and reporting, as well as general administrative duties such as assisting with meeting preparations and membership support. 

United States

Senior program manager

Eleanor Kirtley

📍Seattle, WA

Eleanor Kirtley opened Green Marine’s first U.S. and satellite office when she joined the program in November 2014. As senior program manager, she coordinates the certification process and program development with the other three program managers. Eleanor also coordinates the West Coast Advisory Committee, supports our participants in this region and elsewhere in the United States, and facilitates the technical committee for ship owners. In addition to being responsible for all of the certification criteria for vessels, Eleanor also oversees the development of performance indicators for air emissions.

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Brittney Blokker
Program manager

Brittney Blokker

📍Seattle, WA

Brittney Blokker joined the Green Marine team as a program manager in September 2021. She is one of two team members in based in Seattle, Washington. Her primary roles are reviewing and developing the Green Marine program’s requirements, particularly as they relate to ship owners, as well as supporting U.S. participants. She also coordinates the Great Lakes Advisory Committee.

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General Manager, Green Marine Europe

Antidia Citores


Since February 2025, Antidia has been Green Marine Europe’s General Manager, where she is responsible for developing the European environmental certification program.

Formerly Head of the lobbying department at Surfrider Foundation Europe, she brings her 4-year experience as a project manager for Green Marine Europe and spokesperson for SFE, which coordinated the program during its implementation in Europe.

Antidia holds a doctorate in law in maritime transportation’s ecological transition. She is the founder and vice president of the Ocean & Climate Platform. She is a member of the European Commission’s Mission Board for healthy oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters expert group led by Pascal Lamy


Romain Benoit


Romain joined the Green Marine Europe team in November 2021 and assists the Surfrider Foundation Europe to develop the Green Marine Europe environmental certification program.

Prior to join Green Marine Europe, Romain BENOIT worked for 15 years for the classification society Bureau Veritas in France, the West Indies and then in Canada. He took on different roles within the group: marine surveyor, auditor, new construction manager and then director for Bureau Veritas Marine (Canada) Inc.

Communications & Engagement Strategy Lead, Europe

Pasquine Albertini


As part of the Surfrider Foundation Europe team, Pasquine Albertini is responsible for managing Green Marine Europe’s communications. She contributes to Green Marine Europe’s dynamism by promoting its commitments and membership.

A Philosophy of Law graduate, Pasquine brings 10 years of previous experience in the maritime transportation industry, through management positions in communications and public relations. From her involvement in the Ocean & Climate Platform at COP21 on behalf of Armateurs de France, to the formalization of CORSICA linea's corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy in communications and partnership strategy, she has prioritized ecological transition, social impact and societal commitment.